
Diagnosing Agriculture Finance in Uganda

The diagnosis was commissioned by Uganda Agribusiness Alliance (UAA) on behalf of Uganda’s Agricultural Finance Platform (AFP) and in its capacity as the stake- holders’ designated Champion for agriculture finance in the country. The exercise was undertaken in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Agency.

Nutritional Analysis of the Ugandan Pumpkin (Cucurbita Pepo)

UAA partnered with the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) to develop this Nutritional Analysis

Pumpkin Value Chain Analysis Report

This report contains findings of a study undertaken by UAA in partnership with National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) with the objective of building a case for the pumpkin value chain so as to catalyze investment.

Diagnostic Mapping of the Sanitary Phytosanitary System in Uganda

The SPS Diagnostic Mapping was commissioned by the Uganda Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) and undertaken by UAA, as part of the “Enhancing the capacity of the Fruit and Vegetable Sector to comply with Phytosanitary requirements for export to the EU, other high end markets and regional markets” Project. The Project was managed for MAAIF by the Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (CABI), Kenya Office.

Diagnostic Report of the Legal and Regulatory Landscape for Agricultural Finance in Uganda

Building on the 2017 Synthesis Report, Diagnosing Agriculture Finance in Uganda, in 2019 and on behalf of the Agriculture Finance Platform, UAA engaged New Markets Lab (NML), an international law and development center and FRIENDS’ Consult Limited, a Uganda-based international consulting firm to undertake a diagnosis of the current legal and regulatory environment that impacts agricultural financing in Uganda. The diagnosis was made possible through a grant to UAA from the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA).

Investment Opportunities in the Uganda Potato Value Chain

This document “Investment Opportunities in the Uganda Potato Value Chain” was produced as part of the Secretariat Services provided by Uganda Agribusiness Alliance (UAA) to the Uganda Potato Platform (UPP). UAA and UPP acknowledge the financial support received in the development of this report from the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) as part of its REACH Project (Resilient Efficient Agribusiness Chains).

Market mapping report on Irish Potato trading activity in Fort Portal, Kabarole District

This study was done in four major Irish potato markets located in Fort Portal, Uganda. These include Kabundaire market, Mugusu market, Harugongo market and Mpanga markets.

Market mapping report on Irish Potato trade activity in Kampala

This mapping is mainly focused on potato trade activity in Kampala mainly in the market areas of Owino, Kisenyi, Nakawa, Kalerwe, USAFI market and Kibuye markets.

Market mapping report on Irish Potato trade activity in Masaka

This mapping was done in two major markets, Masaka central market and Nyendo main market.

Compliance to national and international guidelines of land-based agricultural investments in Uganda – Experiences from Ugandan medium-scale domestic farmers on private mailo and customary land tenure

This paper introduces and assesses the work on Responsible Agricultural Investments by medium scale domestic farmers as they implement aspects of national laws and international guidelines of land-based agricultural investments in Uganda (e.g. VGGTs, RAI and NPL). The medium scale farmers are natives of Uganda with farm sizes ranging from 10 to 35 acres on both private mailo and customary land. A baseline study conducted in 2017 confirmed that often national medium or large-scale agricultural investments are not fully monitored by the Government of Uganda to meet all legal conditions, while international investments are much more expected to comply by both national laws and international guidelines.

Market Study to Assess Opportunities to Increase Current and New Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exports from Uganda to High Value Markets

This “Market Study To Assess Opportunities To Increase Current and New Fruit And Vegetable Exports from Uganda to High Value Markets” was commissioned by the Uganda Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) as part of a Project titled “Enhancing the capacity of the Fruit and Vegetable Sector to comply with Phytosanitary requirements for export to EU, other high end markets and regional markets,” (STDF/PG/543). The Project is managed for MAAIF by Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (CABI), Kenya Office. This Market Study was undertaken by UAA in collaboration with MAAIF.

Business Process for Agribusiness Investments in Uganda and the VGGTs

This presentation was originally part of a larger one titled, “Land Tenure Security of Agribusiness Investments in Uganda – VGGT Implementation: Securing Land and Forest Rights in Uganda to Support Inclusive and Sustainable Development”