
We represent the collective interests of the agribusiness industry

We are well established with strong relationships, respect and influence in the agribusiness community in Uganda. Using our networks, we are able to influence policy improvements that are important to our members and partners. Over the years, we have built capabilities in: – institutional advocacy in Uganda; consensus building and negotiating compromise among stakeholders with varying interests, especially where views, aims and needs are diverse or differ; forging these views, aims and needs into common overarching points from which the agribusiness industry can speak with one voice.

We take the lead in representing the agribusiness industry and make sure that the perspectives of our members and partners are taken into consideration, when the government is reviewing policies or is seeking the views of the wider agribusiness community.

We invest in data collection, information and knowledge management systems and use these to mediate constructive dialogue through which influential networks, opinion leaders and ultimately, decision makers, take ownership of the ideas, evidence, proposals and act upon them. In collaboration with the relevant line ministries, UAA jointly evaluates the evidence and its potential impacts, then “elevates” a specific set of policy options (institutional agenda) and lobbies for its enactment through decision-making processes.


  1. articulate the case for a supportive, inclusive, coherent, and harmonised policy environment that supports agribusiness development in Uganda.
  2. catalyse private sector driven policy dialogue which results in development of prioritised recommendations for advocacy on agribusiness industry development
  3. promote the principles of inclusive growth and sustainability through gender sensitivity engagements and creating employment opportunities for our youth as well as the Ugandans that are stark in the subsistence economy;
  4. capture ideas, as well as plans and present these to the broader stakeholder communities;
  5. use the best traditional and digital communication channels to promote, disseminate and explain developments in the industry

We provide credible evidence for shifting narratives and marshalling political will to reform. Through collaborative consultations and studies, UAA identifies systemic policy issues and actions that could stimulate agribusiness investments (systemic agenda), from a pool of general policy issues (universal agenda).

For each advocacy area we establish independent technical / expert panels to assist and provide input, particularly on policy development. These panels provide strategic advice, in response to Government consultations and develop position statements and other material within their field of expertise. The Panels also review the appropriateness of UAA advocacy methodology and outputs, as well as ensure that the advocacy efforts form the basis for developing appropriate Policies and Strategies (both at government and practice levels).

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