Uganda Potato Platform and Regional Platforms

Uganda Potato Platform (UPP) was launched in 2017 as a private sector driven, multi-stakeholder partnership platform to secure common and joint actions to tap synergies and business relations along the value chain and to develop the potato subsector into a competitive and profitable industry. It was begun as a collaborative effort by Uganda Agribusiness Alliance, FAO, IFDC, and key Irish potato value chain actors from around Uganda, for the purpose of providing a forum that brings all Potato Stakeholders together for the necessary synergies; business relations; common and joint actions and coordination to develop the potato subsector into a vibrant industry.

Since its inception, the UPP has: identified and prioritized major constraints to the development of the commercial Irish potato value chain, developed 2 policy practice briefs on these constraints, and recruited Potato Champions (high-visibility individuals) to assist in advocacy on these constraints | identified major investment opportunities in the commercial Irish potato value chain, developed 5 investment briefs for these opportunities, and met with Uganda Investment Authority to begin promotion of these investment opportunities | developed four Regional Potato Platforms in eastern Uganda, southwestern Uganda, western Uganda, and north-eastern Uganda and working on developing a fifth one in Central Uganda | developed and begun implementing a Resource Mobilization and Sustainability Strategy to enable continuation of the UPP | with the Agricultural Insurance Consortium, has developed and is currently operationalizing a customized insurance product for Irish potato producers

Vision: The Vision of the Uganda Potato Platform is a competitive, profitable and sustainable potato sub-sector

Mission: The Mission of the Uganda Potato Platform is to transform the potato sub-sector from subsistence to a commercially viable industry by;

  1. Increasing potato production and productivity;
  2. Improving post harvest handling and marketing;
  3. Promote potato processing and quality potato products;
  4. Strengthening business linkages and financing along the potato value chain;
  5. Enhancing collaboration and Information exchange among all categories of stakeholders;
  6. Capacity strengthening for value chain actors; and
  7. Securing common good from all stakeholders for the development of the potato sub-sector.

Objective: The overall Objective of the Uganda Potato Platform is to provide a Private- sector driven, Public- sector facilitated forum, for Multi-sector Stakeholders, to secure common and joint actions to tap synergies and business relations along the value chain and develop the potato subsector into a competitive and profitable industry.

UPP Secretariat and Steering Committee

Secretariat: The Secretariat of the Uganda Potato Platform is responsible for the day-to-day coordination and implementation of the activities of the UNPP. Uganda Agribusiness Alliance has provided Secretariat services to the UPP since its beginning, including development of policy/practice briefs, investment briefs, resource mobilization strategy, market research, and logistical support for the various committees and gatherings of UPP.

Steering Committee: In 2017 over 60 diverse stakeholders met to form the Platform, at which time they elected a 19-member Steering Committee, with a private sector majority, that meets quarterly and is representative of each category of stakeholder including: seed potato producers, ware potato producers, input providers, potato processors, potato traders, major buyers represented by the 600-member Uganda Hotel Owners Association, input suppliers, local government extension, government researchers and representatives of development partners. The Steering Committee has been constituted to provide support to the secretariat, and meets 4 times a year.

Our Network

Elgon Regional Potato Platform: The Elgon Regional Potato Platform was developed in 2018 and is a regional branch of the Uganda Potato Platform. The Regional Platform, which meets several times a year, comprises seed and ware potato farmers, traders, processors, input providers, researchers and others from districts in the Mt. Elgon Region of eastern Uganda.

Kigezi Regional Potato Platform: The Kigezi Regional Potato Platform was developed in 2018 and is a regional branch of the Uganda Potato Platform. The Regional Platform, which meets several times a year, comprises seed and ware potato farmers, traders, processors, input providers, researchers and others from districts in the Kigezi Region of southwest Uganda.

Rwenzori Regional Potato Platform: The Rwenzori Regional Potato Platform was developed in 2018 and is a regional branch of the Uganda Potato Platform. The Regional Platform, which meets several times a year, comprises seed and ware potato farmers, traders, processors, input providers, researchers and others from districts in the Rwenzori Region of western Uganda.

West Nile Regional Potato Platform: The West Nile Regional Potato Platform was developed in 2018 and is a regional branch of the Uganda Potato Platform. The Regional Platform, which meets several times a year, comprises seed and ware potato farmers, traders, processors, input providers, researchers and others from districts in the West Nile Region of northwest Uganda.


Uganda Potato Annual Assembly: Diverse stakeholders from throughout Uganda and from all parts of the commercial potato value chain have met every year since 2017 to hold an Annual Potato Assembly, to hear reports and provide input to the Uganda Potato Platform on policy, investment and sustainability of the Platform.

Uganda Potato Breakfast of Champions: A Breakfast is held twice a year with key Champions of the commercialization of the Irish potato value chain in Uganda, to discuss progress of the Uganda Potato Platform, and to plan advocacy for the commercialization of Irish potato and on the sustainability of the Uganda Potato Platform. Participating Champions include CEOs of the largest potato input and processing businesses and of the hotel owners association; the Minister of Agriculture and other top officials from MAAIF, from Operation Wealth Creation, and from Uganda National Bureau of Standards; large potato farmers and Members of Parliament; donor and implementing partner representatives.

Hoteliers-Farmers-Traders Market Dialogue Meetings: Dialogue Meetings are held nationally once a year of Hoteliers, Potato Farmers and Potato traders to help Irish potato buyers and sellers to improve the market transaction, by increasing communication and understanding each other’s concerns and perspective. As a followup, representatives of local hotels have been invited to meetings of Regional Potato Platforms as well, resulting in membership by hoteliers in regional platforms and agreements for hotels in the region to purchase potatoes from farmer and trader members of the regional platform.

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