Uganda Agribusiness Alliance (UAA) will be holding the next meeting of the Uganda Horticulture Multi-Stakeholder Platform, which will be a Zoom meeting, on 30th January 2025 from 10 am – 12:30 pm. The meeting will focus on the upcoming requirements of the EU for reporting on the environmental impact and human rights impact of exports to the EU. These requirements are contained in the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), which will go into effect in the next 2 years. This directive may have a huge effect on exports of fruits, vegetables, and other horticulture to the EU. This meeting will feature 3 keynote presentations:
— SEATINI Uganda has done extensive analysis of CSDDD and will give an overview.
— FAO has developed a tool for one of the key human rights issues to be reported on for CSDDD, namely child rights, with the DIGICHILD tool
— UAA has been brainstorming with farmer group and agritech colleagues on designing a traceability system more robust than we have now yet also affordable, that can be used to keep and communicate the additional records of environmental and human rights compliance required by CSDDD.
Join us for this meeting by registering at this link in advance: