Ajuna Tadeo

Platform Development Officer

Ajuna Tadeo is the Platforms Development Specialist at Uganda Agribusiness Alliance (UAA), Country Representative Uganda for the Young Professionals in Agriculture Development (YPARD) and a member of the Funds Advisory Group of the Fair for All and African Activists for Climate Justice Projects (AACJ) Projects of Oxfam Novib and a former marketing manager at Josmak International (U) ltd.

Tadeo has a Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management from Makerere University in Kampala. He has worked for UAA since 2019, assistingin the development of thenational Horticulture Multi-stakeholder Platform, the National Beef platform, and Uganda Potato Platform. Before joining the staff, he volunteered to lead Youth4 Agribusiness initiative work at UAA focused on youth in agriculture mentorship, Agri talks, Agri debates, and Agri-business pitches.As the current Uganda country representative for Young Professionals in Agriculture Development (YPARD), Tadeo volunteers4 hours a month to lead its activities including making connections among relevant youth and food systems organisations in the country, fundraising for YPARD activities and promotion of agriculture in Ugandan education institutions. In addition, he is a member of the Funds Advisory Group of the Fair for All Projects of Oxfam Novib and volunteers 4 hours per month to provide input into the design of the Alliance Fund and Movement Fund, including into the development of criteria and processes for the funds, and participating in reviewing and selection of proposals.